【All Avatar対応】SPS 【MA】
- ダウンロード商品SPS+DLC¥ 850
- ダウンロード商品SPS¥ 700
- ダウンロード商品SPS_DLC (Only DLC)¥ 250
- ダウンロード商品Donate(同じ内容)¥ 1,000
The remaining Avatars will be updated slowly :D!! 修改前、修改後皆禁止分享!! 改変前後の共有は禁止です!! Sharing is prohibited before and after modification!! For WD on VRCFury Ver 1.1069.0 Up Bug report group https://discord.gg/aM6w8ZRwhU
__________________________________ 身體或頭大小數值需保持一致意思是,你可以變更它的大小但是Scale的XYZ三項都必須是相同的數值,例如:0.9/0.9/0.9或是 0.859/0.859/0.859 這些都是可以的,但如果你使用 0.9/0.7/0.833 這樣SPS就會發生錯誤!! __________________________________ 体や頭のサイズ数値は一貫して保持する必要があります。つまり、サイズを変更しても、ScaleのXYZの三要素は同じ数値でなければなりません。例えば、0.9/0.9/0.9や0.859/0.859/0.859は問題ありませんが、0.9/0.7/0.833のように使用するとSPSにエラーが発生します!! __________________________________ The body or head size values need to be consistent, which means that you can change its size but the XYZ three items of Scale must be the same value, for example: 0.9/0.9/0.9 or 0.859/0.859/0.859. These are all okay, but if you use 0.9/0.7/0.833 This will cause an error in SPS!! __________________________________
_________________SPS_________________ [Sio] [Airi] [Kikyo] [Manuka] [Moe] [Ririka] [Rurune] [Shinano] [Milltina] _________________SPS_DLC_________________ [Sio] [Airi] [Ririka] [Manuka] [Shinano] [Milltina]
__________________________________ 使用前必須準備以下物品 ➤ Modular_Avatar(MA) https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ ➤ VRCFury https://vrcfury.com/download __________________________________ (沒有PCS還是可以使用本產品,但還是推薦購買並安裝,效果更佳) ➤ PCS https://booth.pm/zh-tw/items/5001027 (有需要安裝屌的用戶在購買即可) ➤ DPS https://booth.pm/zh-tw/items/2825903 __________________________________ 全部角色適用,只需稍微調整位置即可! 該產品有支援PCS自動開關功能,不再需要手動一個一個開啟!
__________________________________ Before use, you must prepare the following items ➤ Modular_Avatar(MA) https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ ➤ VRCFury https://vrcfury.com/download __________________________________ (You can still use this product without PCS, but it is still recommended to purchase and install it for better results.) ➤ PCS https://booth.pm/zh-tw/items/5001027 (Users who need to install the dick can just purchase it.) ➤ DPS https://booth.pm/zh-tw/items/2825903 __________________________________ Suitable for all Avatars, just adjust the position slightly! This product supports the PCS automatic switch function, so you no longer need to manually turn them on one by one!
__________________________________ 使用前に以下のアイテムを準備する必要があります ➤ Modular_Avatar(MA) https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ ➤ VRCFury https://vrcfury.com/download __________________________________ (この製品は PCS なしでも使用できますが、より良い結果を得るために PCS を購入してインストールすることをお勧めします。) ➤ PCS https://booth.pm/zh-tw/items/5001027 (Dick をインストールする必要があるユーザーは、そのまま購入できます。) ➤ DPS https://booth.pm/zh-tw/items/2825903 __________________________________ すべてのアバターに適しています。位置を少し調整するだけです。 本製品はPCS自動切替機能をサポートしているので、いちいち手動で電源を入れる必要はもうありません!
SPS Upload Log
V1.0 2024/09/15 [Open Beta] - Start - Add Ass! __________________________________ V1.1 2024/09/15 [Open Beta] - Added automatic on/off PCS function __________________________________ V1.2 2024/09/16 - Added Prefab of Sio and Manuka __________________________________ V2.0 2024/09/19 - Fixed an issue where the size or position could not be adjusted. - The existing perfab has been modified so that each corresponding character only has holes and no dicks. - Dick's perfab is additionally separated so that users who only need holes do not need to purchase additional DPS. __________________________________ V2.1 2024/09/19 - Add | Kikyo | Moe | Rurune | Prefab __________________________________ V2.2 2024/09/19 - Fix small bugs - Add new icon __________________________________ V2.3 2024/09/20 - Add Shinano __________________________________ V2.4 2025/01/05 - Add RiRika - Change folder structure __________________________________ V2.5 2025/02/11 - Add Milltina - Changed the style of the corresponding position __________________________________ V2.5.1 2025/02/13 - Fix Shader
SPS_DLC Upload Log
V1.0 2024/09/27 - Prefab Shinano | Airi | Manuka __________________________________ V1.1 2025/01/05 - Add Ririka | Sio - Change some locations __________________________________ V1.2 2025/02/11 - Changed the style of the corresponding position __________________________________ V1.2.2 2025/03/27 - Add Milltina __________________________________